A Cycle Trip in Thy National Park

The forecast rain didn’t materialise but the temperature has dropped at least 10 degrees and it’s quite windy. We cycled along route 1 cycle route, north of Agger, into the Thy National Park. The landscape was dunes, fjords and pine forests. We stopped at Lodbjerg Fyr (lighthouse) and climbed the tower for spectacular views. House martins were nesting in the eaves under the lighthouse lantern and swallows in the nearby buildings. We had a Danish equivalent of a cream tea at the nearby cafe, with butter and cheese instead of clotted cream. It was tasty! I discovered I had a flat tyre. Usually I let Danny fix them, but I decided I would fix it myself and did so with a little bit of help from Danny and a passing helpful Swede. Next stop on route 1 was the bonbon museum where we did lots of taste testing and bought some boiled sweets. Then we cycled a lovely route between two fjords back to our campsite.


Roadside Shopping


Municipal Cycle Repair