Trollfjord and Sea Eagles

We took the hybrid diesel/electric large catamaran to Trollfjord with the promise of seeing sea eagles (white tailed eagles). It was very grey, cloudy and cold so I put on every layer I’d brought with me, including thermals.

On the way to the fjord we saw a few small heads peeping over the tops of small islands, which our guide told us were sea eagles. Apparently it’s nesting season so they weren’t flying and catching fish with outstretched talons as in the posters advertising the trip.

The Trollfjord is an impressive fjord with a narrow entrance. Once inside walls of granite rose nearly straight up either side of us. Plants and trees clung to the rock. The sun came out and it looked even more beautiful. We turned around as it’s a dead end and headed out of the fjord.

The crew put an underwater drone in the water but the murky views of kelp were rather underwhelming. The only fish we saw were at a salmon farm en route .

On the return trip we stayed on deck and enjoyed watching a gull flying alongside the boat for a long time. To our delight we saw a magnificent sea eagle perched on a rock. You’ll be glad to hear my layers worked and I didn’t get cold!


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