Reinefjorde and Bunes Beach

After lunch, which was freshly baked bread and Norwegian cheese from local shop Circle K, we set off in bright sun on the Reinefjorde ferry inland across the fjord. The plan was to alight at Vinstad and walk to Bunes beach, on the wild other side of the island, called the outer side. On the ferry we began to feel slightly alarmed by a) the dark grey cloud we were sailing towards and b) the age of everyone else on the boat being substantially younger than us. So far we’d mostly come across people our age or older driving white camper vans. Were we taking on too much?

The views from the boat were beautiful and we easily managed the walk to the beach. The view was impressive. It was still cloudy and very windy so Danny wisely decided not to swim. We pitied some of the young people who were wild camping there. On the way back across the ford (luckily we didn’t miss the last boat) the sun came out again.

We enjoyed stockfish burgers and chips at the Reine bistro. Stockfish is that smelly, dried cod hanging all over the village, but I was relieved to discover it tasted like a nice fishcake with melted cheese and a creamy sauce.


A bus trip, a hike and a delicious meal in Svolvaer
